BACP – Members letter of concern (April 2023)

The following letter has been written on behalf of and with BACP members who wish to express their concern regarding the current governance of the BACP. If you are a BACP member and would like to add your support (signature to the letter), then please do submit a comment below including your full name and/or BACP membership number. This letter will be submitted to BACP Read More …

2022 BACP motions and resolutions – Vote for Resolution 2 asking BACP to take a firm stance against counsellor exploitation with regards to paid work.

** Calling all BACP members – please vote to support Resolution 2 in the 2022 AGM motions and resolutions process ** – VOTING CLOSES 9th September 2022! Dear BACP member Myself (Maria Albertsen – CTUK founder) and Marvis Stewart (CTUK member) recently submitted a resolution to BACP asking them to take a firm stance against counsellor exploitation with regards to paid work. Can you vote Read More …

2021 BACP motions and resolutions – Vote for resolution 2 asking BACP to challenge organisations who advertise for ‘unpaid’ volunteering positions.

Written by Marvis Stewart – proposer of resolution 2. BACP 2021 AGM  – Resolution 2 – In light of the ever increasing unpaid “volunteering” positions aimed at BACP registered qualified counsellors that the BACP communicates with said organisations through their Workforce Employment Strategy Lead to estate their support for paid employment. Dear BACP Members I have submitted a resolution (Resolution 2) to the bacp called ‘Qualified member employment’, seconded by Maria Read More …

BACP Apologises after Falsely Stating that PSA Consider Counselling and Psychotherapy a “high risk” Profession

As part of efforts to paint the controversial SCoPEd project in a favourable light, BACP have been taking part in an increasing number of panel discussions, ‘round-tables’ and interviews in recent months, notably including an interview with influential counselling podcast host Rory Lees-Oakes, whose ‘Counselling Tutor’ Facebook group has more than 35,000 members, and whose output boasts a markedly wide reach. During the course of Read More …

Platforming Controversy

Over recent years we have seen the emergence of no-platforming. No platforming is the act of removing someone’s platform to speak. This usually happens to prevent the airing of hate speech but has been increasingly used to silence academic critique. Institutions from all sectors have struggled to operate from a position of anything other than fear. What do these great institutions fear? “Woke” backlash. The cancel culture which has seen companies drop shares and individuals lose their jobs. I write this with an understanding that some will find even the mention of this topic controversial and with the understanding that for many people, speaking out has a cost.

Who Dare Speak For SCoPEd?

Written by Clare Slaney from Clare Slaney Counselling. In 1998 I was involved in lobbying for the protection of an ancient timber circle that had emerged from the sand and peat of a Norfolk beach. Seahenge provoked strong feelings and I got a number of phone calls from people objecting to my opinions. Some calls were silent and constant, some were loud and abusive and Read More …

Open letter to BACP Chair to reconsider positions on low income membership fees and policies

What are we asking the BACP to do?
1. Reconsider their position to deny members a fee break in a time of severe hardship.
2. To reassess their discriminatory policies that hold counsellors in a cycle of poverty yet also beholden to the BACP to remain available for counselling work.

BACP members employment survey request – open letter to BACP Chair

**Edit – BACP’s response is at the end of this post.** Dear Natalie Bailey (Chair) / BACP I write this open letter to you today on behalf of Counsellors Together UK to ask if you would be willing to repeat your 2014 members employment research survey, please? We are particularly interested in the following. In 2014 your members survey showed us that; • The typical Read More …

Meet Glenna – our admin

Hi All. This post is to give you all a bit more information about my background and my current role in the CTUK Admin group. I am here to help stop membership body discrimination and promote equality of the membership bodies. Also, to support our right as registered counsellors to work as trained including in private practice. I would like to update you on some Read More …

CTUK Response to the BACP ‘scrap SCoPEd’ members’ resolution result, 2019

I’d like to thank both Erin Stevens (proposer) and Tara Shennan (seconder) for the courage and sheer passion they showed whilst submitting the scrap SCoPEd resolution in the 2019 BACP member motions and resolutions process. Sadly, on this occasion, the resolution wasn’t upheld – not for the effort and determination shown by both Erin and Tara, but for the simple lack of engagement by the Read More …