Below we aim to provide you with updated information concerning the proposed SCoPEd Framework from BACP, UKCP and BCP. We want to let you know that, although CTUK Admin are against the framework (as it stands), we appreciate that some of our members aren’t, and we aim to include articles for and against the framework, and continue to support all of our members.
The SCoPEd Framework is an attempt by the 3 voluntary membership bodies to build a competency framework detailing the minimum training requirements, competencies and practice standards within the field. If it is implemented then it will be something which affects us all, regardless of if we’re a member of one of the 3 organisations above. Therefore, it is vital that all therapists are aware of it and it’s potential impact upon the profession.
You can read the most recent iteration of SCoPEd Framework here, which we suggest doing before reading the arguments for and against below.
Once you have become familiar with the SCoPEd Framework and the information below we would suggest contacting your own membership body to let them know your thoughts and suggestions, good or bad.
Below you will firstly see a list of all the responses CTUK has made regarding the Framework followed by a list of publications from those in favour of the Framework, those against and then general debates/articles.
CTUK Response
February 2022
Petition – An urgent call for the SCoPEd partners to conduct a full impact assessment before implementation –
A Critical Analysis of the changes to the January 2022 edition of the SCoPEd Framework by CTUK. You can read the analysis here.
Summer 2021
BACP 2021 AGM – BACP reject member resolution asking BACP to give members a vote to decide if they wanted the SCoPEd Framework to be implemented.
March 2021
December 2020
November 2020
November 2020
A critical evaluation of the revised SCoPEd Framework (July 2020) By CTUK
Click here to download the full PDF version.

September 2019
August 2019
August 2019
July 2019
To sign the petition to scrap #SCoPEd simply click on the image below.

July 2019
February 2019
Second iteration released – January 2022 –
BACP – Why I support SCoPEd (from BACP members). In the interest of transparency we wish to let you know that the 8 members voices include Tim Bond (ex-Chair), 3 members of the board and the Chair of the BACP university and Colleges Division. –
Andrew Reeves (BACP Chair) –
Julia Samuel (BACP Vice President) –
BACP on YouTube – there are several videos on YouTube providing information about SCoPEd and attempting to answer members questions –
SCoPEd partners websites –
The National Counselling Society – SCoPEd archive –
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – SCoPEd Hub –
UK Council for Psychotherapy – SCoPEd Hub –
British Psychoanalytic Council – SCoPEd Hub –
Association of Christian Counsellors – SCoPEd Updates –
Human Givens Institute –
February 2022
June 2021
Older posts below
The big #SCoPEdDebate – The #TherapistsConnect community discusses the second iteration of the SCoPEd project by BACP, UKCP and BPC.
Alliance – (Andrew Samuels)
Alliance – (Andy Rogers)
Alliance – (David Murphy)
Alliance -(Arthur Musgrave and Joe Stuart)
More from the Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy here –
Erin Stevens (BACP Resolution proposer) –
Caz Binstead (Private Practitioner and member of BACPs Private Practice Executive Committee) –
National Counselling Society –
Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility (PCSR) –
Maria Albertsen, things SCoPEd says Counsellors can’t do –
The British Association for the Person-centred approach –
Partners for Counselling and Psychotherapy –
General debates/articles
Therapists Connect held a third debate around #SCoPEd, with representatives from the various membership bodies involved as well as other organisations and therapists. Penalists spoke about why they are either for or against the framework.
- Please send us any articles you discover, either for or against SCoPEd and we will add them here. Thank you 😊