2021 BACP motions and resolutions – Vote for resolution 2 asking BACP to challenge organisations who advertise for ‘unpaid’ volunteering positions.

Written by Marvis Stewart – proposer of resolution 2. BACP 2021 AGM  – Resolution 2 – In light of the ever increasing unpaid “volunteering” positions aimed at BACP registered qualified counsellors that the BACP communicates with said organisations through their Workforce Employment Strategy Lead to estate their support for paid employment. Dear BACP Members I have submitted a resolution (Resolution 2) to the bacp called ‘Qualified member employment’, seconded by Maria Read More …

The problem(s) with BACP’s resolutions process

This meant that Tara’s BACP resolution with 1451 votes was not only the highest number of votes on record and had secured more than 90% of votes cast with only 69 people not voting to support it, still failed. This was when found out that in the entire history of BACP voting, they had never achieved a 5% member turn out to vote. BACP set the new 5% target knowing this.