Find a therapist (public directory)

To find a counsellor/psychotherapist please use the search bar below to enter their name or location. You can use the ‘Advanced search’ button to search by postcode plus other options. All counsellors/psychotherapists listed on our directory are professionally qualified and insured.

  • If you are a counsellor/psychotherapist, you MUST be a paid member of our CTUK membership club to have your listing approved. If you are a paid member then go ahead and submit your listing – one of our team will check and approve within two working days. If you are not a paid member of CTUK and would like to be then you can find out all you need to know here.
  • If you are not a member of CTUK and don’t want to be but would still like a business listing on our website please email us at in**@uk***********.uk. The cost is £50 per year.
